LG Dishwasher Pump
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LG Pump Casing Assembly
Genuine spare part
If you have cracked or damaged the pump casing for your dishwasher, then you need this replacement to get your appliance back to its best. This replacement... More information
LG Casing Assembly Pump
Genuine spare part
The dishwasher casing assembly pump is crucial for directing water through your dishwasher, ensuring effective cleaning performance. This part houses... More information
LG Hose Pump
Genuine spare part
Hoses in your dishwasher can become split over time. If you cannot use your dishwasher due to a damaged hose, we could have the answer with this replacement... More information
LG Drain Pump : Hanning DP025-208 (see Alternative)
Genuine spare part
PLEASE NOTE:Pump supplied may be different to the original fitted on the appliance Type: Hanning DP025-208 30 watts More information
LG Hose Pump
Genuine spare part
Hoses in your dishwasher can become split over time. If you cannot use your dishwasher due to a damaged hose, we could have the answer with this replacement... More information
LG Recirculation Pump
Genuine spare part
If your dishwasher lets in water but doesn't distribute it and spray it onto your dishes to clean them, there is likely to be a problem with the Pump.... More information